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    05/02/2012 | Logbook of The World Marks 50,000 Users

    On May 1, Dragan Pavlovic, YT3PDT, completed his registration process for Logbook of The World (LoTW), becoming the 50,000th person to take advantage of the ARRL’s online QSL confirmation system. According to ARRL Membership and Volunteer Programs Manager
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    04/19/2012 | Get Ready for the 2012 ARRL EXPO at the Dayton Hamvention

    The ARRL has finalized its planning to bring its large exhibition -- ARRL EXPO -- to Dayton Hamvention, May 18-20. The ARRL EXPO has been a mainstay at Hamvention since 2005, serving as the centerpiece for most of the League’s at the country’s largest Ama
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    04/03/2012 | ARRL Seeks Comments on Proposed 33 cm Band Plan

    A few months ago, the ARRL UHF/Microwave Band Plan Committee asked the Amateur Radio community about current, planned and projected uses of the amateur bands between 902 MHz-3.5 GHz. After reading the feedback, the Committee began working on the band plan
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    03/06/2012 | ARRL Seeks Comments on Proposed 9 cm Band Plan

    A few months ago, the ARRL UHF/Microwave Band Plan Committee asked the Amateur Radio community about current, planned and projected uses of the amateur bands between 902 MHz and 3.5 GHz. The response was beyond our expectations, with hundreds of comments
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    02/28/2012 | Nominations for ARRL Awards Now Open

    Each year, the ARRL Board of Directors has the opportunity to select recipients for a number of awards in various categories that honor Amateur Radio operators. The nomination period is now open for the ARRL awards that are designed to recognize education
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    02/27/2012 | Former RAC President Earle Smith, VE6NM (SK)

    Earle Smith, VE6NM, of Grand Prairie, Alberta -- who served as President of the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) from 2004-2007 -- passed away Friday, February 24. He was 81. An active radio amateur since 1948, first licensed as VE1SA, Smith enjoyed meeting
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  • Tucson Amateur Packet Radio

    01/22/2012 | TAPR and iQuadlabs Announce Agreement for Software Defined Radio Components

    A new relationship between TAPR and iQuadlabs will make it easier to acquire components for Software Defined Radio experimentation.
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    12/15/2011 | NTSB Urges States to Ban Cell Phone Use by Drivers

    On Tuesday, December 13, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended that States ban the nonemergency use of all cellular telephones and other “portable electronic devices” (PEDs) by drivers of motor vehicles. This would include hands-free
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